As fraud eats its way through profits of some of the richest FTSE 250-listed businesses in the UK has your company got all possible cyber safeguards in place and if not, why not?
There’s no longer room to hide behind inaccurate loss predictions, complacency or ignorance – data mining techniques can now provide board members, shareholders and managers with all the accurate fraud loss forecasts they need.
For many top businesses it can seem like a mountain to climb, while other more prepared companies may need to revise existing cyber safety policies to move beyond mere box-ticking and legal compliance.
‘Improve every little thing by 1%’
But whatever level of cyber safety you want to achieve, you may find comfort in the successful approach of former British Olympic cycling coach Sir Dave Brailsford. He broke down everything that could affect his cyclists’ performance, then improved every little thing by 1%, and “when you clump it together you get a significant increase in performance”.
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