British Ort
Headline: | More financially aware |
Company Name: | British Ort |
Company Profile: | British ORT is the UK “wing” of World ORT, the largest non-governmental education and training organisation in the world. A non-political, non-profit organisation, ORT’s objective is to meet the educational and vocational requirements of diverse students |
Turnover (GBP): | 500,000 |
Staff: | 8 |
Software: | Sage |
Brief: | To report on the existing manual accounting system covering module set up, company parameters , misuse of system, future development. To implement the findings of the report. To set up a steering committee for the new system to control its development. To carry out a training need analysis and to set up appropriate training liaising with the personnel officer. To review the company’s administration system and its ability to support the information requirements of the new system. Agree improvements to the admin. System and facilitate changes. To revise the company’s projections in the light of the enhanced information. |
Value added to company: |